Front Ballast

Front Ballast
Another factor in keeping your tractor properly balanced
So far, we have been looking at the different types of ballast located at the rear of the tractor. We talked about how tire fluid ballast, rear wheel weights and/or or a heavy counterweight (such as a weight box, rotary cutter or box blade) can increase traction, reduce front axle compaction and help with stabilizing the tractor.
Now, let’s look at the front ballast. Front ballast is typically needed when a heavy implement is used on the three-point hitch, and there is no front loader on the tractor. Because a majority of compact tractors are sold with a front loader, front weights or ballast are often overlooked. Typically, a front loader is enough to balance the tractor; you can even scoop up some dirt to provide extra weight to counterbalance the heaviest 3-point hitch loads.
You may find if you try to operate a heavy 3 point-hitch load without a loader or front-mounted ballast, that your front wheels will tend to skate across the ground when you try to turn. An appropriate amount of front weights for ballast will improve tractor performance and operator control in these cases.
As always, check the tractor operator’s manual and speak to your Yanmar dealer for more detail on proper ballasting.
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Whether you want to learn more about how to get the most out of your tractor or get advice on which attachments are right for the job, our dedicated Customer Experience Team is here to help. Connect with us online or give us a call at 678-551-7369.
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